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Guitar Ninjas Schools (3).webp

Guitar Ninjas is created by Melbourne Guitar Academy and is a well-known program that is taught in many music schools across the globe. JP Music offer this program at the studio and the schools it teaches in. 

Complete 9 levels to become a Guitar Ninjas Black Level.

The course features popular Riffs, Licks, Scales, Guitar Techniques, Music Theory, Notation, Study Pieces, and learning your favourite songs. 

Guitar Ninjas has 9 levels. The first level is $80 then $40 to upgrade each level.

Little Ninjas is one set cost with 9 levels in one book. Once past Little Ninjas, you will go onto the Guitar Ninjas program. Designed for younger age students. Grade 4 and under. 

Every time a student passes a level they will receive a certificate and then a guitar strap or badge to represent what level they are on. 

One lucky student will be picked each term out of the program. The student that was been working hard practicing and showing a lot of progress will be selected to win the award Student of the Term. 

At the end of each year, students will be able to use raffle tickets to claim prizes. The raffle tickets will be given to students as rewards throughout the program. 
Prizes that are up for grabs are an Electric Guitar, Guitar Accessories, and Music Store Vouchers. 

Black Modern Gradient Guide Mobile Apps Video Promotion  (2).png

Student Interview

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